ID: ngrubb.helpmel8ter
Version: 8
Size: 2.3 Mb
Help me L8ter BETA Screen Preview
How to install Help me L8ter BETA apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Help me L8ter BETA Details
Help Me L8ter is an application that lets you set up an emergency messaging service on a timer. For example, you are walking home late at night and are worried about getting home safe? Well, with this app, you can set your phone to send a warning message to specified friends after a set time calling for help, sort of like a dead-mans' switch.This app is also useful for more than cautious people walking the streets; You can set this up for if you are rock-climbing in the wild for example.. or paragliding in the Himalayas.. or Mountain-biking your favourite trail.. Whatever you do, the app will act as your safety beacon if you get into trouble and are unable to call for help on your own.
This app sends an SMS to specified people that you choose with your predefined message like 'I am mountain biking' with your location after a countdown has elapsed. If you stop the countdown, (As you should normally) no message is sent. Don't worry, the app will prompt you to call for help with a friendly reminder.
Because I've heard and seen too many cases where people I know or know about get into trouble and are unable to call for help. Most of the time they have their mobile phones on them but are unable to call for help because they are incapacitated. If you are doing something risky then this can make your loved ones, and you(!) rest easier.
Safety should be free, so is this app. I am considering adding a paid "remove ads" feature in the future.
This is not an official emergency beacon.. Do NOT use this in place of a SPOT Tracker, EPIRB, or other PLB. This is a supplementary device that is supposed to fill the gap for a very reasonable price to people who cannot afford or simply cannot justify any of the abovementioned devices.
This REQUIRES CELL SERVICE to send the messages to people. If you do not have reception then you will get a warning displayed to you. It is surprising both the discover areas that you do have reception in, and areas that you do not. Be careful not to put all your trust in having reception.
As this is in the BETA stage, I AM using the Google Analytics API to track screen views and events. I also get location demographics as part of this (City Granularity) I will be removing this in the full version. All other permissions are required for the application, SMS, Contact List, Prevent Sleep etc. This app also uses Ads (which I am considering removing already!) which send some broad data to admob.
What's new in Help me L8ter BETA 8
Contact list bug fixContact list layout fix
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