How to get NWS Weather Alerts Widget lastet apk for bluestacks

NWS Weather Alerts Widget.apk 1.1.3
Name: NWS Weather Alerts Widget.apk
ID: net.justdave.nwsweatheralertswidget
Version: 1.1.3
Size: 1.2 Mb

NWS Weather Alerts Widget Screen Preview

How to install NWS Weather Alerts Widget 1.1.3 unlimited apk for android
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How to setup NWS Weather Alerts Widget apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

NWS Weather Alerts Widget Details

This is an Android home screen widget to display current weather alerts from the US National Weather Service.
You can choose a county or state within the US (or the entire US) and it will display a list of all of the current weather alerts for that area on the widget. If there's more than fits, the list scrolls, and you can tap on an alert to open the full text of the alert. There is an accompanying app which can be used to configure what area you want and shows the raw feed data if you're really curious (though that part was mostly there for debugging, and might go away one of these days now that it all works). It does not currently do audible alerts (or any alerts), but that's probably coming soon.
I created this because I wanted a tablet on the wall in my kitchen to display weather alerts on the screen, and for all the plethora of weather apps out there, I couldn't find one that showed anything more than a (!) icon on their widgets for alerts, and you had to click through to find out what they were. Some of them would put the alerts into the notification bar, but that wasn't much better. So this one displays a list of the current alerts right on the widget, and that is the only purpose of the widget.
This application is open source. To report bugs, request new features, or If you'd like to help make it better, please visit the project page on GitHub at
This application is not officially authorized by the National Weather Service, it merely makes use of the information they provide via their public data APIs.
The full changelog can be found at

What's new in NWS Weather Alerts Widget 1.1.3

version 1.1.3:
- NWS started requiring HTTPS to retrieve alert feeds. The app has been updated accordingly. This should fix the "Waiting for feed download" that never goes away.
version 1.1.2:
- fixes a crash when trying to retrieve an expired alert
version 1.1.1:
- The main app now tells you when there are no alerts to display instead of just showing a blank white screen
NWS Weather Alerts Widget | 74 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

Download NWS Weather Alerts Widget 1.1.3 mod APK

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How to install NWS Weather Alerts Widget 1.1.3 unlimited apk for bluestacks
How to use NWS Weather Alerts Widget mod apk
How to mod NWS Weather Alerts Widget 1.1.3 apk
How to get NWS Weather Alerts Widget lastet apk

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